
About Tonx
Jiangsu TONGXIE Machinery Equipment Co.,ltd. was founded in March 2002, It is a product development, design, manufactur, engineering installation and manufactur in one-scale. We mainly produce complete set of equipments for extraction...
The main production of extraction, concentration, evaporation, crystallization, biological fermentation, filtration, transportation, distribution, dissolution, liquid distribution system, CIP on-line cleaning system, pipeline installation and sanitary fluid valve pipe Accessories and other complete sets of equipment, products are widely used in pharmaceutical, biological, chemical, food, dairy and other engineering areas.
Service Case
The chest has the lofty ambition can be walked for miles. Under the guidance of such a grand policy. It is in this grand guidelines,TONX Today at the present time. TONX became a successflu enterprise after going througt the wind and rain baptism. actively explore,keep making progress,and make full use of modern science and technology information network to grasp the market for many years,after many rtials and hardships of the Shenhua pipe industry,dedication and innovation in came pragmatic God the Chinese always steadily forward,has made a many splendid achievements in the related fields of dairy,fruit juice beverage,wine,chemical,electric power,bio engineering and other industries.
Cooperative Partner


Produ cts


根河市| 台南县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 杭锦后旗| 崇左市| 东莞市| 巧家县| 法库县| 临沧市| 旺苍县| 尼玛县| 永靖县| 海丰县| 台江县| 桃园县| 修文县| 河间市| 合江县| 贡觉县| 腾冲县| 丰原市| 彭阳县| 武川县| 丽水市| 山阳县| 涟源市| 逊克县| 永德县| 晋州市| 罗城| 镇远县| 安丘市| 泉州市| 汉沽区| 施秉县| 宜黄县| 白山市| 丰顺县| 建宁县| 宕昌县| 德化县|